Dissecting Room Reg.

Course Registration Form

Thank you for registering for a course or courses with AnatomyTalk.co.uk.
Please enter the information requested below to complete your registration and secure your space on the chosen courses.
After registration, you will be sent invoice or invoices for your course or courses with payment details.
We look forward to seeing you on one of our courses!


Personal details
Personal details

Please choose the Dissecting Room at King's College course or courses you would like to register on.

Payment Details

Please tick your preferred payment method below.

After registration is submitted, you will receive a confirmation of your registration along with invoice(s) stating payment details and terms.


For the purpose of possible prerequisites to your chosen courses, please briefly enter your qualifications and your profession.

Please hover on the questionmark if more help is needed.


I agree that above information is correct.

I give consent to above information being used for my course registration and for receiving and processing relevant and specific course information only.
The information I will be sent is relevant and specific only to the courses, I have enrolled in (such as course relevant registration information, schedules, invoicing, venue details, preparation information, certificates/diplomas etc.).

The consent will automatically end when courses are finalised, whereafter my information will be archived and no longer used.

My information will not at any time be given to third party for advertising purposes.

I can at any time withdraw this consent by sending an email to info@anatomytalk.co.uk.

I can at any time have my archived information destroyed by sending an email to info@anatomytalk.co.uk.

I have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions: https://www.anatomytalk.co.uk/index.php/home/terms-conditions

Email consent

I understand that the email address given above may be used to send information about future courses from AnatomyTalk.co.uk only, and I give my consent to this.
My email address will not at any time be given to third party.
My email address will remain on the email list until I withdraw this consent.

I can at any time withdraw this consent by sending an email to info@anatomytalk.co.uk.

Fire, Health & Safety

I understand that my information will be given to venues to comply with fire regulations as well as health and safety regulations, and I give my consent to this.
My information will be archived by the venue after end of courses.

I can at any time withdraw this consent by sending an email to info@anatomytalk.co.uk.

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